
Become a member of HUMANs (Humans United in Mutual Aid Networks, formerly the Main MAN)

Join the HUMANs (Humans United in Mutual Aid Networks) –  benefits include a global exchange platform for currencies, project sharing, resource sharing and more!

The HUMANs is the umbrella cooperative – incorporated in Wisconsin and open for membership globally –  designed to provide the nervous and circulatory systems for Mutual Aid Networks and their supporters. The nervous system is the communications tools, knowledge sharing, and technical assistance that the HUMANs facilitates using remote communications technology, regular virtual working group meetings and shared project management software. The circulatory system is the resource development, sharing and exchange tools and processes we are developing in order to apply our own new economy tools to ensuring the success of our new economy projects.

If you would like to be a MAN Sister Site, please apply here after joining the HUMANs.